Imagine the US 150 years ago, abundant untapped natural resources and a diverse population. Those are what made the US strong. First came the green revolution when John Deere built a plow that would cut through the tough middle american soil. Then came the industrial revolution that was fuelled by abundant power and raw materials. But America got it wrong in that it didn't look far enough ahead at the consequences of what it was doing. Overuse of pesticides and fertilizers has polluted the streams and rivers. Automobiles have polluted the air. Greed has replaced innovation.
The DR Congo has a clean slate and the potential to get it right.
The Congo river from Kinshasa to Boma has the hydroelectric potential of all the lakes, rivers and streams in North America and since the Congo river basin spans the equator the river is always supplied by a rainy season somewhere. If the rivers were all exploited for electricity we could not only power the DR Congo with abundant energy but all of Africa and a good chunk of Europe as well.
There are tens of millions of acres of arable land not populated by migratory animals or tropical forrests. Managed properly to prevent the mistakes of the US and Europe food security for the continant could be assured. Much land that would be unsuitable for food crops could be used for other crops for paper production and bio-fuels.
We all know about the minerals. Why are so many products imported that could be manufactured for far less here? Cement, windows, nails, wire, steel all imported yet often made from materials from here! Fish is imported to a nation with a huge river system. Corned beef despite millions of idle savanna acres.
Developement is what is needed, not aid.
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