I agree with the blog post below. The main boulevard in Kinshasa has changed for the worst. It has the cultural and visual perspective of the main runway of Chicago's O'hare Airport. Check out the pictures.
Pictures: China’s Infrastructure Building Machine Comes Home.
Before they decided to “improve” 30 Juin, it was a truly wonderful boulevard. Today, it’s a barren, dust filled desert whereas until 2007 it had huge trees that lined both sides of the road and there was a center divider that did an excellent job of slowing traffic and giving pedestrians sufficient guidance as to where to cross. Now the situation couldn’t be more different.
The whole city center along the boulevard is not considerably hotter than it was before due to the tree removal. Sadly, several different locals have told me that due to the Chinese “renovation” there are now one to two deaths per day on this street. Notice how they have not laid down a single drop of paint on the road for either cars or pedestrians. It’s a very dangerous road for everyone. We are all hoping that the Chinese are eventually going to make this boulevard safer by adding traffic lanes and crosswalks.
No one is too optimistic though.