Traditionally, the Kasai was a quiet area in terms of politics and voilence. However, that has changed.
Violence continues in the three provinces of Kasai, Kasai, Kasai-Central and Kasai-Oriental. Since August 2016, there have been recurring clashes between the security forces and the Kamwina Nsapu militia. After the events of Wednesday in Tshimbulu, in the territory of Dibaya, which left four dead, this militia appeared in the territory of Luiza.On Thursday, a group of twelve militiamen from Kamwina Nsapu arrived in the village of Kamukenji. They had spent the night there with the blessing of the local chief.Conducted by the head of the Akantanda group the following day, these militiamen could not be received and they had turned back on the same Friday.In the meantime, the army and police were on their heels. Alerted to the imminent arrival of the police, the population had sought refuge in the forest, fearing reprisals.But the local chief, the one who had received the militia, remained in his residence. The police force carried out his arrest before taking him to Luiza, the capital of the territory of the same name.Military, police and civilians killed
The Kamwina Nsapu militia is presented as a formidable organization in the Kasai area.It had made its appearance in August 2015, in the province of Kasai-Central, with this peculiarity of attacking the police and the army.According to OCHA (Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian UN), at least 150 people were killed in clashes between security forces and supporters of the militiafounded by Kamwina Nsapu, a traditional leader aged about thirty Year and physician by profession, killed on 12 August 2016 in Tshimbulu.